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-A Sustainable-Living Cooperative-

Tiny Getaways

Our Mission

To bring people together to share experience, knowledge, and resources about tiny living, sustainability, and nomadic living. It is our goal to facilitate a platform where this can happen openly, respectfully, and enthusiastically; making this lifestyle a more viable option for those who seek it out.

The start of an adventure. Follow our blog for more

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Community Building

Find available tiny getaways to rent and own; as well as projects to jump in on. 


Find people to help turn your vision into reality.


Product Promotion, Consulting, Social Media Marketing.

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Tiny Getaways was born from an intrinsic desire to experience the world and life in a simpler way. The idea was sparked after a road trip around parts of the Southwest and West Coast of the U.S. that left us feeling inspired to make the experience a lifestyle and help others experience that life as well. We road-tripped in a simple camper built on the back of a friends pickup truck. We quickly found that we liked this simple, nomadic lifestyle, and wanted to take things to the next level. We believe that sharing connections and knowledge about sustainability/tiny living is essential to making the lifestyle a viable option for people.

We thank you for your interest and support of this wonderful world of possibilities. 


Founder, Devin Frost

With an optimistic attitude and high spirits, Devin hopes to bring new possibilities to tiny living and create a supportive community of sustainability. With a personal goal of building their own tiny getaway, the experience brought will be first-hand. Having a background in networking and team-building, this project is a fitting next step.

Partner, Blogger, Jeannie H

Always ready for the next adventure, Jeannie provides wonderful insight and support. Her fresh perspective to sustainability and tiny living finds wonder and possibility everywhere. With a passion for tea and tiny homes, the search for both brings her experiences and connections worth sharing.

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